Hello GENIE Team, For the DFCI OncoPanel versions 1, 2, and 3, the assay_information file reports fewer genes in the panel than what is listed in the genomic_information file or the gene_panels files. Is there a more accurate list of genes and bait sizes for all the panels? I have not checked beyond the OncoPanel versions but am worried the issue extends beyond just those. Thanks for all of the hard work! Kaleb

Created by Kaleb Zuckerman kzuckerman
Hi @kzuckerman , Thanks for your interest in the GENIE data. We are aware of general discrepancies between assay information files and genomic_information files. That said, the gene_panel files are currently generated from the genomic_information file via `includeInPanel=True`. The assay information should be the source of truth, but it is known that some of the values don't match up. It is a larger effort between us and each of the sites to address this discrepancy. Let us know if you have further questions. Tom

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