Hi The older version of this file have more columns: AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT CENTER ETHNICITY ONCOTREE_CODE PATIENT_ID PRIMARY_RACE SAMPLE_ID SAMPLE_TYPE SEQ_ASSAY_ID SEX CANCER_TYPE CANCER_TYPE_DETAILED compared with latest data_clinical_patient_5.0-public.txt: PATIENT_ID SEX PRIMARY_RACE ETHNICITY CENTER. It is possible to update the latest file with these missing columns. Thanks Robert

Created by z160896
Dear Tom, Thank you very much. When we could have treatments and patient outcome data in the file? Thanks Robert
Dear Robert, The first release was released in one file `data_clinical.txt`. The subsequent releases have been releasing clinical data in 2 files. Please view this [folder](syn17112456) You will see that all of this information can be found by merging `data_clinical_patient_5.0-public.txt` and `data_clinical_sample_5.0-public.txt`. Best, Tom

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