Dear AACR GENIE team,
Thank you for sharing GENIE 6.1 data.
In GENIE 4.1 data, I used `Domains` column for data analyzing.
But I can't find 'Domains' column in GENIE 6.1.
So I try to map genie column `hgvsp_short` and protein domain using pfam database.
For mapping these data, I would to know gene identifier column that used for mapping `hgvsp_short` in GENIE 6.1.
(HGNC symbol / SWISSPROT / refseq ? )
May I know the method that your team got `Domains` from mutated gene data in GENIE 4.1?
Thank you.
Jiwon Son
Created by jiwonson Dear @thomas.yu ,
Thank you for letting me know. Thank you so much.
Warm regards,
Jiwon Son
Dear @jiwonson,
Apologies for the delay in response. We use [vcf2maf]( v1.6.14 to obtain the MAF columns. vcf2maf is a lightweight wrapper on [VEP](
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