Dear AACR GENIE team, Thank you for posting the v7.0 files. I'm trying to load the data in a local cBioPortal instance but the gene panel files are not available and I don't see a way to compile correct gene panel files from the genomic-information.txt file. I'm not able to create gene panel files with a correct number of genes from genomic-information.txt. I tried to reproduce the numbers as indicated in the data_guide.pdf (table 3) but most of the time I end up with a lower number of genes than in this table 3. One example is gene PDGFRA. I think officially it's part of the TruSeq Amplicon Cancer Panel. In the COLU-TSACP-V1 panel it is, however, absent. When querying samples with this gene in samples from COLU, PDGFRA is being profiled. I fear this issue occurs more often. Can you please check this. Thanks a lot. Best, Paul

Created by paulvd
Hello @paulvd Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I confirm that we can replicate this. We are currently working on resolving this issue with the sites. If you use the `ID` column, you will see that COLU did submit the PDGFRA gene, but named them `PDGFRA1`: ```bash grep COLU genomic_information.txt | grep PDGFRA ``` Best, Tom

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