Hi, Some colleagues and I have been troubleshooting instability we've seen on an internal deployment of cBioPortal. This is in relation to a [question](https://groups.google.com/g/cbioportal/c/27wQQ6Ck2Jg)I posted on the cBioPortal discussion forum. We've found that when we try to generate a query using an internal dataset that will return a large number of mutations for a single gene (~30,000 alterations), it will hang and eventually crash (usually while on the "Annotating with OncoKB..." step. Interestingly, this occurs when using Chrome, while Firefox seems able to return the query with no issues. It's difficult to replicate such a query with the public cBioPortal site, as the datasets are a bit smaller, and I wasn't able to find one that would return such a large number of alterations for a single gene. But the dedicated GENIE cBioPortal site is able to do that (GENIE v10 cohort and querying TP53 for example), and it works with no issues on both Chrome and Firefox. Which leads me to my question: **Is there any reason to think that the process of querying these mutations by the GENIE cBioPortal site would be different/more efficient (particularly at the OncoKB annotation step) than what is done by the main cBioPortal site (and presumably an internal deployment of that site)?** Thanks so much for any information. If this question would be better directed elsewhere, please let me know.

Created by Zachary Whitfield whitfiez
Hi @whitfiez , I know that cBioPortal did some substantial refactoring of the cBioPortal instance for GENIE just before the GENIE summit on 7/14 - 7/15. My only guess would be that perhaps the portal was updated first for GENIE with upgrades schedule to be migrated to other cBioPortal instances at a later date. Is the main cBioPortal site still crashing for a large numbers of mutations? If so, could you send an example dataset and gene where you observe this behavior? Thanks.

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