Hi I was wondering why TNFRSF10B or even TNF itself has a 0% mutation rate in the GENIE V.10 database? TNFRSF10Bis mutated in significant patient numbers in the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics Database. What is the difference between GENIE V.10 and cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes, Alisha

Created by AlishaColl
Hi @AlishaColl , cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics hosts many different cancer studies that contribute data from patients sequenced with panels that may differ from those used in GENIE. For GENIE v10, none of the targeted sequencing panels generating SNV data or indels cover TNFRSF10B and so no mutations are detected in this gene (see [genomic_information.txt](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25896187) file for genes covered by GENIE panels). GENIE v10 does, however, detect 3 structural variants in TNFRSF10B (see [data_fusions.txt](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn25896088)). For TNF itself, this gene is covered by two panels in the GENIE dataset but there are no recorded somatic in this gene. Looking at the main cBioPortal site for a few of the larger studies, I find that the TNF gene seems to be mutated in few samples. Is there a particular study on the cBioPortal website that you were querying where you were finding a high number of mutations in TNF? Best, Haley

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