Hi, I was trying to figure out what genes were available for the different `SEQ_ASSAY_ID`s. Running the R code below the number of genes listed in `assay_information.txt` often doesn't match (but usually isn't far off) the number of unique `Hugo_Symbol`s in `genomic_information.txt`. I'm likely missing something but could someone point me in the right direction? Also, the column `clinicalReported` mentioned in the data guide is missing from `genomic_information.txt`. ``` assay_info = read.delim("synapse/assay_information.txt") genom_info = read.delim("synapse/genomic_information.txt") assays = unique(assay_info$SEQ_ASSAY_ID) sapply(assays, function(assay){ assay_info$number_of_genes[assay_info$SEQ_ASSAY_ID==assay] - length(unique(genom_info$Hugo_Symbol[genom_info$SEQ_ASSAY_ID == assay & genom_info$includeInPanel == "True"])) }) ``` Thanks Steve

Created by stephenrho
Hello, Some discrepancies are expected due to panel specific properties, and these discrepancies are described in the [release notes](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn26838309). Other discrepancies may result from errors in panel metadata submitted by the sites. Regarding `clinicalReported` being missing, this was an oversight and will be corrected in the next release. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Best, Haley

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