Hi everyone, I'm interested in time intervals between paired primary tumors and their metastases, particularly in data from the MSK center. The closest information I could find through GENIE is the column "AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT" in the sample metadata. The data guide states that this is the age in years when sequencing results were "reported". What does this mean exactly? Is it the timepoint when the sample was added to the database (and therefore likely not strongly tied in time to the tumor diagnosis) or is it the timepoint when sequencing results were obtained (then I could perhaps use it as a proxy timepoint for tumor diagnosis)? Any other pointer where I could find data related to the time interval between primary tumor and paired metastases would be highly appreciated. Many thanks and best wishes, A. Lösch

Created by Andreas Lösch anlo
Thanks a lot for the swift replies @chelsea.nayan ! Regarding the main GENIE dataset all should be clear now but I may have to consult you some time again in the future about the BPC dataset. Many thanks again, great that someone is taking care of these questions!
@anlo, Yes, you are correct. "AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT" is associated with the time the report was published, but not necessarily with the time of diagnosis and there may be late-occurring metastases that got sequenced before a paired primary tumor. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance! Best, Chelsea
Hi @chelsea.nayan , Thanks for the reply. So to make sure I got this right, "AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT" is associated with the time the report was published, but not necessarily with the time of diagnosis, right? There may have been late-occurring metastases that got sequenced before a paired primary tumor and therefore have a lower value in the respective column, correct? Also thanks for the pointer to the BPC dataset, might be helpful indeed! Best wishes, Andi
Hi @anlo, "AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT" is the interval in days between the patient's date of birth and the date of the sequencing report that is associated with the sample. If you are looking for more data related to time intervals between paired primary tumors or their metastases, you might something of value in one of the [GENIE BPC datasets](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn27056700) which provides more clinical data by cohort. Best, Chelsea

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