Hi, there: is there gene expression data (RNAseq, microarray etc) available for Release 12.0-public data? I saw the description for fusion data mentioned RNAseq data as below: syn32689059 data_fusions.txt The fusion data contains a description of the fusion and whether the fusion is detected from DNA or RNA sequence data. But I did not see any corresponding gene expression data e.g. RNA sequencing data, and got confused. Anyone has info about it? Thx a lot!! Ming

Created by Ming Yi myi
Hi, Chelsea: Thx for the quick reply and info. Appreciated very much! It is a bit disappointed for such large data cohort without expression data!! Best Ming
Hi @myi, There is no RNAseq or microarray data available in this dataset. Please see the [Data Guide](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn7222066/wiki/409237) for more information. Let me know if you need anything else! Best, Chelsea

is there gene expression data (RNAseq, microarray etc) available for Release 12.0-public data? page is loading…