Hi everyone, I am very much looking forward to interact with all of you! I have some questions for the organizing team @sgosline @shannon.hughes @nzahir @TonyD @Justin.Guinney @klemmj regarding the dynamics of the teams. Do we have to assembly the team ourselves by contacting other people? or, do the mentors propose groups? How many people per team is required? In how many teams a person can be involved? Thanks! Javier

Created by Jose Javier Bravo-Cordero jjbravo
Hi @knaegle, A table would be pretty large - your best bet would be to search the PDF that we assembled for precisely this purpose. You can find it [here](syn8568865). -sara
Sara @sgosline, would it be possible to get a table form of everyone's project title and a couple of key words on their areas of expertise? I love the interactive graph, but even keeping tabs on the different applications as I explore my direct connections is overwhelming and I manage to forget the details of the first few that I explored. I also have not deciphered whether graph similarity is based on expertise and therefore, I want to explore far from me on the graph, or if it is based on area of interest and therefore, I want to explore my direct connections. If anyone has advice on how their exploring the attendees, I would love to hear it!
Thanks Sara, this is helpful.
Hi Javier, This is a great question. Attendees are encourage to self-assemble - there is no predefined (upper or lower) limit on team size, though we encourage attendees with different backgrounds to join teams together to create a truly interdisciplinary proposal. An attendee can only be a member of a single team. -sara

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