Hi all -- We wanted to provide a bit more information about the teleconference opportunities for forming teams. The purpose of the teleconferences is to provide an additional space for participants to discuss project ideas that allows easy sharing of slides, etc. If you are already in a conversation on the Discussion board, **please ?reserve? a time or two with the people that you?ve been chatting with** using the spreadsheet that can be [found here](syn9693597). When signing up for a teleconference, please indicate the topic of your call so that others who might be interested can join in. If you have any questions at all about this process, please feel free to email me or to post your question on the Discussion board. If you have other ideas on how we might facilitate even more interaction before the meeting, please reach out with those as well.

Created by Shannon Hughes shannon.hughes
Hi everyone, The conversations on the discussion board and in the calls have been fantastic! Given that there is so much activity going on we wanted to let you know how to keep up with all the workshop activity. Specifically we encourage all of you to: 1- Keep as many discussions on the forum as possible 2- Review the [notes](syn9693597) recorded by organizers for the teleconferences (week 1 notes can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lCPABY-E9sPTTJPeELS4HOEpVI4y9iREryEmjB_409I/edit#)) 3- Upload preliminary data and materials to synapse in [a folder](syn8063299) that is accessible by the entire [IACM team](https://www.synapse.org/#!Team:3350418). In the spirit of increasing collaborations both within the workshop and beyond, we encourage everyone to keep as much of the pre-workshop activities in the open! thanks, sara
More explicitly: Link to schedule for week of May 1: [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hY53jRaqoBMnb9HhuE8dN3k4ejX37gG-4C4pattxkuM/edit#gid=1701101959) Link to schedule for week of May 8: [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yjwUZsoXg1M20OM7l2CJkIGahWU0_YWYu_KfEkT6HP8/edit#gid=1764991325) Link to schedule for week of May 15: [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13EiW5_zjKKTs8gpMRDk_9JWWSuNmPvmd1lF0T1TcKIg/edit#gid=443996931) Link to schedule for week of May 22: [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18ipsW1tMXe6eAVZb27f72JlJqGG2VjOtqEDf_iPV6wE/edit#gid=764290637)

Teleconferences -- More information and links! page is loading…