Hello all, In April, NCI and MD Anderson hosted a workshop entitled ["Systems Biology of Metastasis" (pdf of agenda here)](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8063299) where we asked each of the participants to submit 2-3 'provocative questions' ahead of the workshop to prompt discussion. For those who have not formed a team or are struggling a bit to narrow to a specific topic, the provocative questions document might be helpful and can be found [at this link](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SDW382mO1vNDjfvlzfjJTK6Fl4YKGuqTEj6YXpDVnBc/edit?usp=sharing). You can feel free to edit the document if you wish to add comments or questions -- use a different color text to indicate edits. If you have not yet participated in a teleconference or formed a team, please consider signing up for some teleconference time next week. I will specifically block off the calls I'm leading on Friday (6/2) at noon and 1pm EST for those who are still forming teams so don't hesitate to sign up individually for those calls. Here is a link to the [teleconference times for next week](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lhQFZeqU6jzmKNABSISRsaGFHi34tgk6cKk4w3JPO8M/edit?usp=sharing): I'm going to tag everyone who is not following the top level Discussion board below so everyone sees this message. (Please click 'Follow' on the top page of the Discussion board to see when new Threads are started -- you'll only get an email with a new Thread, not with each new reply.) @knaegle, @chensidi, @Kaifu, @sole, @alexandra.naba, @dgilkes, @scarc, @milesm, @snyderjc1, @zawang, @tgujral, @Gaodch, @liudon, @cncurtis1, @pjkeely, @treyideker, @jnsarkaria

Created by Shannon Hughes shannon.hughes

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