Created By
Megan Bowman megan.bowman
assay: whole exome sequencing
organ: skin
tissue: primary tumor
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn4939910
dataType: genomicVariants
platform: Illumina HiSeq 2500
diagnosis: Neurofibromatosis type 1
studyName: Targeting the mechanisms underlying cutaneous neurofibroma formation in NF1: a clinical translational approach
tumorType: Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor
accessTeam: 273948
accessType: PUBLIC
fileFormat: fastq
initiative: Francis S. Collins Scholars Program
isCellLine: No
specimenID: NF1-P53T
dataSubtype: raw
nf1Genotype: +/-
nf2Genotype: +/+
individualID: NF1-P53
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: NTAP
isPrimaryCell: TRUE
isMultiSpecimen: No
modelSystemName: NF1-P53
isMultiIndividual: No
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