Hi all, 1) Do this challenge need any write-up document about the method like other challenge? or just put the method in DREAM_multi_drug_submission.yml since there is line: Explanation of chemical novelty: Your explanation here. 2) if there is multiple VENDORS in ZINC, anyone of them is ok? Thanks, Kevin chen

Created by Huiyuan Chen Huiyuan
Okay, thanks.
Yes, a required element of the submission is a methods description (listed [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8404040/wiki/478425) in the "Step 3" section). This should be entered in the submission form in the section labeled "Prediction Methods: Replace this text with your prediction methods text, written as for submission to Nature Chemical Biology." The chemical novelty section should be used to address the rationale for why your compound is chemically novel for this problem.   If there are multiple vendors in ZINC, please list all of them (unless this is more than 5 vendors).

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