If you would like to contribute a new workflow to the challenge and have questions about the process described in the [**Workflow Author SOP**](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8507133/wiki/451396), please use this thread to discuss any issues.

Created by James Eddy jaeddy
Hi I wanted to upload a workflow, Workflow Author SOP mentions using the synapse web client to create a subfolder under workflow_staging but I don't see the "Upload or Link to File" and "Add Folder" icons. Do I need to gain permission? -Beri
Thanks, @bshifaw   You bring up two relevant issues here: 1. Folks who are / have been contributing workflows or helping to test workflows have generally been added to the @GA4GHDREAMAdmin Synapse team ? this gives a bit more permissions in terms of uploading data and viewing certain pages/tables. I realize that I need to add a note about this as a **"Step 0"**, which would be for new workflow authors to contact me about getting added to that group.   2. The particular table you mention should be visible by all users, regardless of team. I think something might have changed recently with the behavior of certain Synapse widgets: I believe that the sharing settings for a table need to allow for 'Download' and not just 'View' in order to be visible when embedded in a wiki. I just updated that, and will check for other tables as well. Let me know if that helps (I'll try to confirm with a dummy account)!   Best, James
I am unable to determine the evaluation queue (eval_id) for submit.cwl.json because I am unable to view "Monitor & expedite workflow on-boarding process" in the Workflow Author SOP document. I receive the following message instead "Sorry, you do not have sufficient privileges for access. You lack DOWNLOAD access to the requested entity." How can i determine evaluation queue for my workflow? Thanks

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