This is mostly an administrative / tidying item, but thought I'd share to make sure it's clear:   A few participants have asked about assigning submissions to teams after they were initially submitted as an individual (and I've noticed a couple others for whom this issue would apply). While there's currently no mechanism to set the `teamId` for a submission retroactively, I'm actually using a separate `team` annotation for most leaderboards and summary tables ? and I **can** change the value of this annotation.   I've gone ahead and updated `team` for any individual submissions where the user has joined and submitted as part of a team, and the numbers in the [Participation Overview]() and [Final Results] should reflect these changes.   Note that there's one catch to look out for: for each evaluation queue (i.e., each workflow), you can only submit as an individual OR as part of a team. Thus, if you've previously submitted results for a workflow as an individual and want to submit new results for the same workflow, you'll need to submit the new results as an individual ? otherwise you'll get the following error: `403 Client Error: Forbidden`. If this happens, let me know and I can update your team annotation after the fact.   Thanks! James   cc @mkrause @vipin @benstory @madelyngreyes

Created by James Eddy jaeddy
Hi James, THanks for your effort, really appreciate it. Cheers, Michael

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