When we submit workflow results, they appear in our team project under the parent ID we choose. Each results file has a wiki page associated with it. However, it appears that this wiki page within our team project isn't what is evaluated. We need to find our submission in a table on the Submission tracker page for each workflow, or go to the link sent to us by email from Synapse. It is this wiki page that is evaluated, correct? If so, is there a more direct way to access and edit these wiki pages from within our team project?

Created by Ben Ernest bernest
Hi @bernest,   Good questions... There's no convenient and consistent way to ensure that the validation system has write permissions within each participant's/team's project, which is why the report wikis are not directly associated with the workflow *results* that are stored in Synapse. Instead, each wiki is associated with an individual *submission*, and is automatically created and stored within the main project for the challenge ([here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn10156687)). You are correct that these are the wiki pages that get checked and evaluated by the validation system.   I realize that digging through old emails or the submission tracker tables to find the relevant wiki links might be a bit of a hassle. To make things easier, I uploaded a new table that lists **all** submissions for the challenge so far. You can filter the results in this table to quickly view all the submissions from your team: [(example query results ? **note:** `reportEntityId` is the field you want)](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11637902/tables/query/eyJzcWwiOiJTRUxFQ1Qgb2JqZWN0SWQsIHdvcmtmbG93LCB1c2VyLCBlbnRpdHlJZCwgc3RhdHVzLCByZXBvcnRFbnRpdHlJZCwgcmVwb3J0U3RhdHVzIEZST00gc3luMTE2Mzc5MDIgV0hFUkUgKCAoIFwidGVhbVwiID0gJ0Jpb0dlbkxpbmsnICkgKSIsICJpbmNsdWRlRW50aXR5RXRhZyI6dHJ1ZSwgImlzQ29uc2lzdGVudCI6dHJ1ZSwgIm9mZnNldCI6MCwgImxpbWl0IjoyNX0=)   Here's the query associated with the above link, in case you want to make adjustments: ``` SELECT objectId, workflow, user, entityId, status, reportEntityId, reportStatus FROM syn11637902 WHERE ( ( "team" = 'BioGenLink' ) ) ```   You can navigate to each wiki page as follows: ``` https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse: ```   Hopefully that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.   Best, James

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