Hey guys! What are some of your hobbies? Where are you from, what are your goals/plans?

Created by Jake Hogan hoganj
####Where are you from? I'm from Tallmadge, Ohio, a suburb in the Akron area. Currently I attend the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, where I'm a rising junior in Computer Science and Engineering. ####What are some of your hobbies? In my free time I play trumpet in my school's athletic band, I'm also considering trying out for a jazz ensemble this school year if I can find time. I like to hike when I get the chance. I also try to keep up with sports. When I have a lot of spare mental energy to focus on something, I'll try to keep my programming skills sharp with programming challenges or side projects. ####What are your goals/plans? As far as long term goals go, my plans after I finish undergrad aren't super concrete. Graduate education is probably in my future, but I've been weighing my options for a while and trying to figure out what I really have a passion for and what I can get the most out of-ultimately I'll need to decide if I want to pursue graduate school or medical school, or some other option. One of my short term goals is to learn to enjoy reading-it's something I loved as a kid but I grew out of it and stopped enjoying it for whatever reason--I have a huge backlog of classics I'm eager to read through if I can find the time to sit down.
#####Where are you from? ######I'm from the suburbs right outside of New York City, out on Long Island. I lived in Queens for a good portion of my childhood before moving out to Nassau County. I am currently a senior at Columbia University, and am working at Columbia University Medical Center over the summer. As you can tell, I've lived here pretty much my entire life. #####What are some of your hobbies? ######I watch a lot of football and basketball, and occasionally play a bit myself (though I'm not quite good). I was President of Columbia's Quiz Bowl (Academic Trivia) Team last year, and did a lot of Speech and Debate in high school, which I occasionally still judge in my free time. I also find it quite relaxing to just wander around town sightseeing and window-shopping. #####What are your goals/plans? ######Ultimately my goal is to become an anesthesiologist or surgeon after going to medical school. It's a really lengthy process and very stress-inducing, but a lot of people thrive in high-pressure situations, and I think I could be one of those people (I hope so at least). In addition to being a biology major, I also am pursuing a concentration in Political Science (specializing in National Security), so a job in DC isn't out of the realm of possibility either.
##Where are you from? I grew up on Roosevelt Island in New York City, then moved to Utah for high school (with my family). I lived in Korea for two years after graduating, and am now at Brigham Young University. ##What are some of your hobbies? I enjoy running, eating all kinds of food (the spicier the better unless it makes me cry), and travelling. This summer is great, I get to do all three! I also enjoy doing pretty much anything with my friends. ##What are your goals/plans? I want to become a Cancer Research Doctor, and am focused on radiation oncology right now. I'm studying bioinformatics with a hope that this will help me further bridge the gap between research and clinical trials. My goal is to help create or run an international research facility. I plan on attending med school in a few years.
Thanks for doing this, Jake! #####Where are you from? I'm from the suburbs in Chicago and go to school in Madison, WI, so from this program it's my first time living outside the Midwest! #####What are some of your hobbies? Figure skating (a more recent addition), karate, video games (this summer my brother and I have been playing Persona 5) #####What are your goals/plans? I want to involve myself with further understanding and helping others further understand cancer from a genetics perspective, and potentially other genetic diseases such as Trisomy 21 or Fragile X Syndrome - I'm not entirely sure yet if I want to pursue this knowledge through research or other avenues, but I've no intention on pursuing med/vet school. I also aspire to be able to do single jumps in figure skating and beat Persona 5 in a less distant future.
#####Where are you from? I'm from the suburbs of Boston and am living in _actual_ Boston this summer, which is great. I go to school in Hartford, Connecticut. I'm not sure if this counts but I also studied abroad in St. Andrews, Scotland last fall and worked in Tampa, Florida last summer. #####What are some of your hobbies? Hiking with my two golden retrievers, trying out new restaurants with friends, reading books, and watching Netflix (this summer it's been Grey's Anatomy...) #####What are your goals/plans? I really hope to stay in Boston and to pursue a career in oncology research. Those two goals actually seem to go hand in hand since Boston is a very science- and medicine-oriented city. I have taken med school and vet school out of my future plans for the time being because I'm really not great with blood and gore (I get faint and it doesn't seem to be going away despite persistently shadowing doctors), but if this issue fades in the next 5-10 years I could definitely see myself going into pediatrics!   Looking forward to hearing about everyone else :)
Thanks, Jake! Maybe if I get things started, others might be encouraged to join in... ##### Where are you from? I grew up in Virginia, went to grad school in Illinois, and have lived in Seattle for the past 5+ years. ##### What are some of your hobbies? Rock climbing, biking, craft beer (mostly drinking it, though occasionally making it). ##### What are your goals/plans? I've only been at Sage for about 5 months, so I'm hoping I'll be here a while! I get the greatest fulfillment from supporting others ? either in my group, across Sage, or in the broader community ? in their efforts to do great science. For my current role, that mostly means developing tools and infrastructure to enable reproducible, open biomedical research and data sharing... but also (hopefully) getting others excited about and involved in systems biology and open science!

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