Hi all, I was wondering if any of you have had this problem working with R studio in the past and know of any solutions that might be of help. I'm working with mice gene mutation and metastasis data and I keep encountering the "C stack usage 43374642 is too close to the limit" error when trying to create a matrix that can be used to build a heatmap and dendrogram. I know my laptop still has plenty of memory that it can use, and apparently it is possible to manually set the call stack usage limit higher, I just don't know how to do that yet. Thanks,

Created by Huzefa Diwan hid2103
If you're working in a Linux or Mac OS, it looks like you should be able to use `ulimit` in the terminal to adjust the stack limit for the system. For example,   ```bash ulimit -s 16384 # enlarge stack limit to 16 megs ```   Check out the top answer to this [StackOverflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14719349/error-c-stack-usage-is-too-close-to-the-limit).
Hi Huzefa, I actually haven't encountered this error before. I'll ask around in my group and see if anyone has any good ideas/answers. Best, James

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