Hi, I am using the Python API to download the dataset which by default is stored in `~/.synapseCache`. However the dataset is too large for my system to store it in the home directory. How can I choose a different location for the data to be stored? I have tried ``` json_files = syn.downloadTableColumns(query_table, "deviceMotion_walking_rest.json.items", downloadLocation="/other/dir") ``` however, this did not work. Thank you very much, Wolfgang Kopp

Created by Wolfgang Kopp wkopp
Thank you
Hi @kishoresubu please refer to this [thread](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8717496/discussion/threadId=2195&replyId=11813) for your answer.
Can I have description of features in both the data set
Thanks. Solved. :)
Hi @sanjusinha7, in R you can do: ``` synapseCacheDir("/some/directory/path") ``` and that should do the trick!
I specified the syn.cache.cache_root_dir="path/to/specific/dir" and also tried changing the .synapseConfig file in home directory, by adding [cache] location="path/to/specific/dir" It is not working. Files are still getting downloaded in ~/.synapseCache instead of the specified directory, which doesn't have enough space for all the files, ending up to an error. (Using R).
Thank you very much for the help. This solves the issue for me.
@wkopp, @sanjusinha7 to change the download location for just one instance you can do: `syn.cache.cache_root_dir = "/some/path"` If you'd like to always change the cache location you can add this to the `.synapseConfig` file: ``` [cache] location="/some/path" ``` I'll add this into the Accessing Data wiki as well as the GitHub code. Thanks @ziming for the solution -- hope this helps!
@wkopp and @sanjusinha7, We are trying to develop a workaround for this issue, and will notify you when we have a solution. Solly
I am facing a similar issue downloading the file to a specific location while using synapseClient package for R. rest_json_files <- synDownloadTableColumns(actv_rest_syntable, "deviceMotion_walking_rest.json.items") How can I specify the saving location? I could be wrong though, but I checked for "downloadLocation" argument, which seems to be not available for the above function. Thanks,
@yooree or @kdaily, can one of you help Wolfgang with his python client issue?

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