I have submitted 2 feature sets which are working fine with the script provided but I keep getting a validation error when submitted online. I have checked doubly regarding presence of any NaNs or Infs. Please have a look.
Created by Vaibhav Tripathi vaibhavtripathi If they go to this page: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn10733842/tables/ it will either say "All conditions met" (highlighted in green) or "Show unmet conditions" (highlighted in red). The latter indicates that they do not have permission to access the data. If they truly have access to the data please let me know. As far as I know, they were granted the access. @sieberts
submission id: 9641361 and 9641233. In addition to registering for the challenge and validating their profile, they need to request and receive access to the data, which is the problem here. Yes, I double checked, because they are having access, I'm able to make a submission. Hi @vaibhavtripathi ,
It looks as though two of your team members don't have access. Could you double check that they have registered for the Challenge and/or gone through the full access request process?
Yooree Can you provide the error message you're receiving and the submission ID?