These data exclusively are required to use in the context of the Parkinson?s Disease Digital Biomarker DREAM Challenge. DREAM Challenge was finished 2017. When can new validated user be accessed data? According to the rule, there is some publication embargo date. May I know when embargo period will be over?
Created by Hyunsoo Yoon fineyouth @eabouzeid
The problem you're running into is that "17287630" is a File Handle ID. You can't append 'syn' to that ID to get a synapse ID. See the instructions on this page for how to access those entities via the R or Python clients: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8717496/wiki/448349.
I hope that helps,
Solly Hi,
I am trying to download the L-Dopa data (training and testing) used in the challenge. The webpage: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn8717496/wiki/448349 states that the data is accessible. I can download the tables (L-Dopa Training syn10495809, and L-Dopa Testing (with Labels) syn10518012). However when I use synapseclient to download the associated accelerations raw data files (based on their 'dataFileHandleId' in the table, for example 17287630, I use 'syn17287630' to download the file) I get error:
'SynapseHTTPError: 403 Client Error: You do not have READ permission for the requested entity, syn17287630'
I am not sure if I am downloading the data files in the proper way. Please advise. Note: I do have access to the full L-Dopa dataset, but I want to specifically access the L-Dopa DREAM challenge files.
Please help.
Thank you
You specifically mean for the L-Dopa data? That manuscript is still in review. Dear @sieberts, thank you for sharing the link. Is there also an associated publication of their manuscript? I find nothing of the sort, but maybe I am searching wrong.
Best regards,
@fineyouth -
The L-Dopa data are available for access here if you are still interested:
https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20681023/wiki/594678 Thank you for the quick response. I've used mPower data in my research. Now I am interested in analyzing the L-Dopa data to better understand PD symptoms. Yes, I will wait till the publication embargo period is over. There is a publication embargo until the Challenge manuscript, which is currently being drafted, is accepted.
Which data do you want to access? A portion of the mPower data are available through other means. The L-Dopa data will be publicly available when the group that generated the data publish their Nature Scientific Data manuscript on the topic, but I don't have an up-to-date estimate on that timeline.