AACR Project GENIE Public


Created By Thomas Yu thomas.yu

projectDescription: GENIE is a cancer registry that aggregates, harmonizes, and links genomic sequencing data with clinical outcomes obtained from patients treated at 19 leading cancer centers situated globally.
projectDisplayName: AACR Project GENIE
projectImageFileName: Large GENIE logo%2Ejpg
GENIE 16.0-public release now available
WAKE panels targeting just 1bp in the genomic_information.txt file
MSI status
How can I know which was the pathological specimen sequenced/tested?
mutation filtering/hotspot definition
GRCh38 Coordinates
Cannot find data_fusions.txt in TCGA Release 16.1-public dataset
clarification on copy number NaNs
Discrepancy between Case lists and Genomic Profile Sample Counts on cbioportal (GENIE v16.0)
GENIE BPC patient view
Multiple Primary GBM in GENIE MSK
Discrepancy between assay_information and genomic_information
GENIE CN v15 has ambiguous values
Questions about germline data
Information regarding metastasis in CRC cohort
Extracting Participant ID from Tumor_Sample_Barcode
Distant organ metastasis
Inconsistencies of alteration type of panles between Synapse downloaded assay_information.txt and GENIE cBioPortal data (v15.1)
Missing Sample ID for the panel "MSK-ACCESS129" in Sequence_Assay_ID.txt?
Identifying RET-fusion patients
Copy number table has exactly 1000 rows - is this correct?
Clinical and molecular data are available in Genie v13 or in versions prior to v15
How to download Release 14.0-public?
Survival duration estimates
GENIE 15.1-public release now available
gene-level CNA availability
Annotation of GRCC-SAFIR02 is incomplete
PROV-TRISEQ-V2 not in gene panels and discrepncies with cBioPortal
GENIE 14.0-public release
data_mutations_extended.txt contains mutations that are no change
Issues loading data_CNA file
GENIE 15.0-public release available
Release 05.0-public
GENIE 14.1-public release
Sequencing coverage information
GENIE 14.0-public release
Drivers Muations
Screening mutations by genetic alteration
FUSIONS breakpoints
GENIE 13.1-public release
Hi, are there any treatment information in the data?
tumor purity for BPC NSCLC
Individuals' mutation listing
Inquiry Concerning the Interpretation of 'NA' Values in the CNA Dataset
Update 13's Survival Related Data
v12 vs v13 fusion data
Sequencing versus therapeutic timeline
FFPE H&E image data
GENIE 13.0 public release date
GENIE 13.0-public release
Pipeline for Annotating Mutations and Filtering Putative Germline SNPs
patient code for mSK patients
Searching for Prostate Clinical data
GENIE 12.1-public release
Availability of quantitative CNA data?
is there gene expression data (RNAseq, microarray etc) available for Release 12.0-public data?
Sample diagnosis/sequencing timepoints available?
Hi, are there any disease related disease dates in the data?
GENIE 12- is survival, missing data updated for existing cases
Availability of Tumor Purity, CCF, or Tumor Cell %?
Assay_information.txt is missing two panels
Clinical information for GENIE
clinical outcome data
GENIE BPC NSCLC 2.0-public release now available
ClinVar annotation
Replicating GENIE's germline filtering process
GENIE Biopharma Collaborative release
Identifying FGFR1 TKD Internal Tandem Duplication
KRAS mutations
Variant data change between releases
GENIE 11.1-public release
question about genomic_information.txt
Genomic abbreviations
Availability of survival
GENIE Cohort v11.0-public
Intragenic call in Fusion data
Can I get Raw-reads / BAM data of samples given in Genie 10?
Raw RNA-Seq Data
GENIE 10.1-public release
Inconsistencies between Synapse GENIE 9.1 downloaded data and GENIE 9.1 cBioPortal data
TNFRSF10B not profiled in GENIE v.10.
Fusion Breakpoints
Differences between GENIE cBioPortal and main cBioPortal database queries?
Sample dates
RNA-seq data available from GENIE project for LGSC?
Subsetting GENIE dataset
GENIE 9.1-public release
BRAF mutation and fusion data
More detailed outcome Data Questions
Tumor stage
Outcome data?
Is this differnce in mutations from release 6.2 to release 7 possible?
How to count the number of mutations of each gene in each tumor?
GENIE 8.1-public release!
GENIE 7.0-public release!
issue with gene panel data in v7.0
What is the best way to seperate MSKCC samples from GENIE?
Create a new thread for any questions about the GENIE dataset.
question about file: data_clinical_sample.txt
GENIE 6.2-public release!
file data_mutations_extended.txt in version 6.0 is missing columns
how to get protein domain using hgvsp_short column in MAF format?
Data update
Mb in Each Panel
Tumor Mutation Burden Calculation & Age at Sequencing to Diagnosis Correction Factor
data_clinical.txt question
Hormonal receptor information of breast cancer patients
Marker file for GISTIC
How to identify genes included in fusion analysis for each panel
Mutation data not reading complete sample ID
Questions on reading CNA data into SAS
Missing mutation data for samples - who to contact?
How to find results from a panel test for each patient
cBioPortal compared to MAF file
Errors with file validation
Linking mutation data to clinical data
Availability of comprehensive clinical data, genome-wide expression datasets, and possible raw sequences
Permission for redistributing the AACR Project GENIE data
Software for analyzing
Difference between COSMIC/ExAC and GENIE
How to query a SNP
clinical drug response data

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