Disease Module Identification DREAM Challenge


Created By Sarvenaz Choobdar Sarv

Paper submission
Paper Update
Important: F1000 Research papers cannot be submitted before the main paper is out
Update on challenge consortium / joint paper
Access to challenge resources / scripts
*** Best Performers *** (continued)
DREAM Conference Attendees
Final Baseline results
*** Best Performers ***
Poster submission last call
Results posted on wiki
Reminder: submit write-ups and code
Question:Challenge Data files in Submission code
UPDATE: Instructions for submission of write-up and code
Leaderboard closed -- extension for final submissions needed?
Challenge closed
Problems with final submissions
IMPORTANT: Final submissions
score change between rounds
NS scores at different FDR cutoffs now available
URGENT: Early registration for DREAM Conference ends September 30
Submission with an extra tab at the end of each line
Round 4 extended to Tuesday, September 27
error with "Submitted file includes extra files: ._3_signal_anonym_directed_v3.txt"
Round 4 and final submissions are now open!
Merging of teams requires permission
Slow scoring
How to avoid overfitting?
Round 3 extended until Tuesday (9/20), 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET)
Remove overlap among clusters
Standard module identification methods with repect to network module discovery
I accidentally submitted as an individual, while it should have been a team submission
Bugs in the submission system
Module Sizes Round 2
Round 3 is already open, closes Sunday, Sept 18!
Validation Error: Too many values to unpack
*** IMPORTANT: Change in background set for Round 2
Round 2 deadline extended to Tuesday, September 13, 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET)
Clarification for Round 2 submission deadline
Scoring still progressing slowly for Sub-challenge 1
Questions about scoring
Shared results on random modules / module sizes Round 1
Round 2 is now open -- SC1: *6* submissions, SC2: *12* submissions
Submission information is not shown on round2 leaderboard
Weight on networks?
Round 2/4: Wednesday Sept 7 - Sunday Sept 11, 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET)
New leaderboard for round 2
Edge weights
Error: The given date is outside the time range allowed for submissions.
Error: The given date is outside the time range allowed for submissions.
It is FORBIDDEN to make submissions to Sub-challenge 2 with the intention to gain information for Sub-challenge 1
Modules discarded during the scoring process?
i think there might be mis-alignment in sc2
SubChallenge Name is not shown in the Submit a challenge list
Accidentally submitted two exactly same results
The limit is 5 submissions *per subchallenge* for Round 1
When would the additional networks be made available
Do NOT resubmit the best clustering from previous submissions to optimize your NS score!
Questions about challenge structure
Submissions from the test leaderboard round will NOT be rescored
Scores from the test round are invalid and should be ignored
Request information on baseline results in Round 1
Training approach
========= IMPORTANT: Members of the same team/group/lab are not allowed to submit as individuals!!! =========
Tips & ideas
I missed a submission round, can I still participate?
Leaderboard Round 1 Open Until Sunday, September 4, 23:59 Eastern Time (ET)
Scoring details
Test Leaderboard Open This Week
Test Leaderboard Round Closed
At what time will the leaderboards be updated
Question for checking the Submission Status
Clarification on numbering of modules
I don't get this submission template format
Test Round Closes Wednesday August 24, 11:59pm Eastern Time (ET)
30-line code for sanity check before submission
Request more information about validation error for submission
can you please display team name?
So how do you actually submit?
Important information on leaderboard phase updated
Opening of leaderboard phase delayed
Smaller Network Submission only
General assumptions about the networks
Leaderboard phase will open August 1st
Clarifying Question Concerning Genes that fit multiple modules
Preliminary Data in the first week of July
is this challenge infinite submissions?
Clarification Question Concerning Modules
Artifacts in Protein-protein interaction networks?
Negative correlation in Co-expression network
MonBUG hackathon in Old Port of Montreal
Signaling network - directed?
Can't download sample of submission file
Thanks for the new files; 3 nodes missing in aligned files.
Test data
Is there any way we can assess our own results before submitting?
Slight problem with input file 6_homology_anonym.txt
Disease Module challenge - How many modules?
PASCAL Tool Questions
Network#6_Homology Questions
Questions for the Challenge
Welcome to the Disease Module Identification DREAM Challenge Forum!

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